Antiplane dynamic electroelasticity problem for the two-layered medium weakened by a fracture
The work investigates an antiplane dynamic problem about electrical and mechanical loading of the piezoelectrical two-layered medium weakened by a fracture. The medium surface is electroded, the lower boundary is rigidly fixed, metallized and shorted out. A defect-fracture on the boundary surface is modeled by a linear mathematical section. Piezocrystals with a symmetry axis parallel to the medium surface or piezoceramics polarized along this axis (the class of 6mm of hexagonal crystal system) are considered as electroelastic materials. By the example of this problem, the authors discuss some aspects of applying an effective method of developing Green's matrix-symbols to the solution of dynamic mixed electroelasticity problems for composite media with defects.
electroelastic two-layered medium, fracture, shear vibrationsFunding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (08-08-00144, 09-01-96501, 09-01-96502), Рособразования (проект 1.7.08), гранта Президента РФ (НШ-2298.2008.1).
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Copyright (c) 2009 Березин Н.С., Пряхина О.Д., Смирнова А.В.
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