A plane contact problem and a crack problem for an elastic prestressed elastic layer


  • Kostyreva L.A. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation




Two problems for an elastic layer, which was initially under the large deformation, are considered. They are the crack problem and the plane contact problem. The material of the layer is defined by the harmonic potential. Extra stresses are assumed to be small, therefore, it is possible to linearize the problems. The latter are reduced to the solution of similar integral equations of the first kind with difference kernels. The asymptotic and numerical solutions are constructed for a wide range of the values of the parameter, which describes the relevant width of the layer.


contact, crack, harmonic potential, integral equation

Funding information

Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (08-01-00003).

Author Biography

  • Liliya A. Kostyreva

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September 1, 2009


September 13, 2009


September 30, 2009

How to Cite

Kostyreva, L.A., A plane contact problem and a crack problem for an elastic prestressed elastic layer. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2009, № 3, pp. 56–63.

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