On modeling of surface wave fields in media with inhomogeneities
Peculiarities of the dynamic process at the surface of a rectangular parallelepiped, weakened by the cylindrical cavity, have been investigated. Diameter of the cavity, as well as the depth of its occurrence have been varied. Surface oscillations have been exited in the sample by impulse action. For the calculation of the wave field on the surface of the parallelepiped, weakened by the presence of the cavity, the package ANSYS has been applied. The possibility of determining the presence of a defect by parameters of the surface wave field has been examined. The method of image recognition has been used. By using this method, the recognition of the type of defect corresponds to the recognition of the type of the response function. In this case, there is a steady and unique dependence between the type of response function and the parameters of the defect structure. The series of computational experiments has been carried out. Experimental results demonstrated that there is a precise spatial distribution of images in the space of recognition depending on the defect of sample.
defect, nondestructive testing, surface wave fieldFunding information
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (13-08-96528-р-юг, 15-08-0674, 14-08-01213).
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Copyright (c) 2015 Бочарова О.В., Седов А.В., Анджикович И.Е., Калинчук В.В.

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