Energy levels and wave functions of negatively charged trion, captured by quantum dot
The article considers a system of three quasiparticles of electron-hole plasma of semiconductors localized in the vicinity of a quantum dot in a two-dimensional heterostructure - a negatively charged trion. Neutral quantum dot is described by an oscillator potential. As an additional factor, the magnetic field is taken into account that influences on the semiconductor heterostructure, the intensity vector of which is perpendicular to the hetero layer. The Hamiltonian is drawn up to describe the trion including Coulomb interaction between electrons and a hole which are considered as perturbation in the offered approach. The Hartree-Fock approximation is used to calculate the matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction potential of quasiparticles. The correction to the energy of the ground state of trion is calculated when the electrons included in its composition are in the singlet or triplet state. The method for calculating the bonding energy for the excited state of the trion is specified. It is noted that the approach developed in this article is not applicable for charged quantum dots and, in particular, for impurity ions.
electron, hole, quantum dot, oscillator potential, Coulomb interaction, perturbation theory, Hartree-Fock methodReferences
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