Investigation of the equilibrium of an anisotropic cylindrical body by the method of boundary states






The paper presents a model for constructing elastic fields for an anisotropic cylindrical body of finite or infinite length. The cylinder is in equilibrium under the action of forces applied to its side and end surfaces. The material of the cylinder has a rectilinear anisotropy of the general form. The model is based on the energy method of boundary states. The basis of the space of internal states is formed according to the fundamental system of Weierstrass polynomials. The mechanical characteristics are expanded in a Fourier series in terms of the elements of an orthonormal basis, where the coefficients are scalar products that have an energy meaning. The solution of the boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity for a cylinder of a non-trivial shape from a hypothetical anisotropic material is presented. Explicit and indirect signs of convergence of the solution of problems are presented and the result is presented in graphical form.


boundary state method, rectilinear anisotropy, complex resistance, Saint-Venant problem

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Author Biography

  • Dmitry A. Ivanychev

    канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент кафедры общей механики Липецкого государственного технического университета


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May 4, 2023


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June 30, 2023

How to Cite

Ivanychev, D.A., Investigation of the equilibrium of an anisotropic cylindrical body by the method of boundary states. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2023, т. 20, № 2, pp. 6–17. DOI: 10.31429/vestnik-20-2-6-17

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