Physical and mathematical model of the process of synthesis of silver nanoparticles
The article considers a physical and mathematical model of the synthesis of silver nanoparticles by the method of cavitation-diffusion photochemical reduction. The influence of the power of ultraviolet radiation on the rate of nanoparticle synthesis has been studied. It has been established that with a decrease in the power of UV radiation, the total duration of the synthesis of silver nanoparticles increases. Also, the rate of the chemical reactions themselves decreases due to a decrease in the amount of ОН– and, as a result, a decrease in the concentration of е–. The obtained results of the dependence of the concentration of the ammonia complex, atomic silver and silver dimers on time at different levels of ultraviolet radiation are consistent with the experimental results. The simplifications introduced into the model do not have a significant impact on the calculation results. The developed physical and mathematical model will allow us to study and improve the process of synthesis of silver nanoparticles used to impart antiseptic properties to suture materials, including against pathogens of bacterial infections.In addition, a promising area for the use of such nanoparticles may be the development of wound coverings based on fibers from various materials treated with a solution containing silver nanoparticles obtained by cavitation-diffusion photochemical reduction. When synthesizing nanoparticles using this method, more than half of the nanoparticles have a diameter of up to 5 nm, which will contribute to the destruction of biofilms formed on the surface of infected wounds.
silver nanoparticles, synthesis, mathematical modeling, ultravioletFunding information
This work was supported by the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science to the Kuban State University (FZEN-2023-0006).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Шашков Д.И., Малышко В.В., Дроботенко М.И., Джимак С.С.

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