Improvement of relation for electroosmotic slip velocity
532.516; 544.6Abstract
On any surface, under the action of an external electric field, there is a space charge region of small thickness, in which occurs the accumulation of charge. On the outer edge of the area due to the tangential component of the electric field, the slip of fluid takes place. This phenomenon is theoretically investigated in a number of works of the 2000. Rubinstein and Salzman were obtained the estimated formula for the speed of electroosmotic-slip of liquid, which, however, is not without a flaw, and therefore needs to be refined. In this article we obtain refined formula of Rubinstein-Saltzman, and is a fairly detailed derivation of this formula in the space charge region on the basis of asymptotic expansions.
slip velocity, asymptotic method, stretching of variables, space charge regionFunding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (проекты №13-08-96536 А, 15-08-02483 А).
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Copyright (c) 2015 Франц Е.А., Кирий В.А., Шелистов В.С., Куцепалов А.С., Демёхин Е.А.
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