Local existence theorem for the solution of the generalized Laplace condition


  • Щербаков M.E. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Shcherbakov E.A. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация


517.9 (531/534)




The generalized Laplace condition describing equilibrium surface of pendant drop with intermediate layer is considered and the corresponding Cauchy problem is formulated. The main part of the generalized Laplace condition is not linear. We construct non-linear differential operator of the first order and formulate Cauchy problem for it. Using Shauder theorem we prove that it has analytic positive solution. We prove that the coefficients of the series representing this solution can be used as upper bounds for the moduli of the coefficients of the series formally representing a solution of the generalized Laplace condition. Thus, the existence of analytic solution of nonlinear equation representing generalized Laplace condition is proved. The theorem we proved gives a possibility to calculate with any degree of approximation the form of the drop. The method without any serious alterations can be used in order to investigate sessile drops.


equilibrium surface, Laplace condition, intermediate layer, generalized Laplace condition, mean curvature, Gauss curvature, Cauchy problem, Shauder theorem, majorizing series

Author Infos

Mikhail E. Щербаков

преподаватель кафедры функционального анализа и алгебры Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: latiner@mail.ru

Eugeniy A. Shcherbakov

профессор кафедры теории функций Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: echt@math.kubsu.ru


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How to Cite

Щербаков M.E., Shcherbakov E.A. Local existence theorem for the solution of the generalized Laplace condition. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2021, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 14-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31429/vestnik-18-1-14-22 (In Russian)