About the problems of creating four-junction solar cells with a matched crystal lattice
The structure of a four-junction solar cell based on A3B5 compounds with a matched crystal lattice is developed. The processes for obtaining the required composition of the epitaxial layers of the emitter and the base of the fourth junctuon, which are consistent with the Ge, lattice parameter of the crystal lattice, are achieved, the necessary level of doping of the layers is achieved. The layers of the back side field and the tunnel diode are obtained between the third and fourth stages. All the waste layers are embedded in the basic epitaxial structure of a three-stage solar cell (SC). The light volt-ampere characteristics obtained for a four-stage solar cell were measured. The analysis of the obtained results is carried out, the potential advantages of a four-stage solar cell in front of a three-stage solar cell in terms of energy conversion efficiency and an increase in the lifetime of solar cells made of four-stage solar cells in outer space are considered.
semiconductors, solar cell, four-stage structure, epitaxy, heterojunction, tunnel diode, current-voltage characteristicReferences
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