Analytical test problem of currents with variable spatial wind action
The paper considers an analytical solution for a three-dimensional model of wind currents under the influence of wind of complex configuration. The availability of analytical solutions for barotropic velocity components, additional velocities and vertical components is important when testing and analyzing difference schemes and algorithms in the process of constructing hydrodynamic models of reservoir dynamics. Numerical modeling of the dynamics of reservoirs is an important tool in solving urgent problems of environmental monitoring and climatic problems related to weather forecasting. The significant development of computer technology makes it possible to use an increase in the discretization of solved problems to increase the accuracy of describing the dynamic processes taking place in the ocean. However, the direction associated with the construction and correction of the models themselves, methods of their numerical implementation, is successfully developing, because when using available computer power and new computing circuits and algorithms together, it can lead to a significant joint effect. Solutions to the problem for determining barotropic, additional velocities (variables in space) and velocity components in the vertical direction have been found, comparison with which will allow testing various difference discretizations and computational algorithms in constructing dynamic models of reservoirs. The results can be used to solve various environmental problems in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas.
dimensionless problem, wind currents, test problem, analytical solutionFunding information
The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment on the topic FNNN-2024-0016 "Study of spatiotemporal variability of oceanographic processes in the coastal, coastal and shelf zones of the Black Sea under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors based on contact measurements and mathematical modeling" (code "Coastal Research").
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