Testing of difference schemes in solving the equation for the Streem function based on solving the problem of wind currents







The paper tests a number of well-known difference schemes used to solve an equation with a small parameter at the highest derivative. The numerical solution of the equation for the current function is compared with the obtained exact analytical analogue, which allows you to choose a difference discretization for constructing consistent approximations of derivatives based on the projection version of the integro-interpolation method when finding the values of integral velocities, especially at the boundary.


dimensionless problem, wind currents, test problem, analytical solution, current function, integral velocity

Funding information

The work was carried out within the framework of the state task on the topic 0555-2021-0005 "Complex interdisciplinary studies of oceanological processes that determine the functioning and evolution of ecosystems of the coastal zones of the Black and Azov Seas" (code "Coastal research").

Author info

  • Vladimir S. Kochergin

    младший научный сотрудник отдела теории волн Федерального исследовательского центра «Морской гидрофизический институт РАН»

  • Sergei V. Kochergin

    старший научный сотрудник отдела морских информационных систем и технологий Федерального исследовательского центра «Морской гидрофизический институт РАН»

  • Sergei N. Sklyar

    заведующий кафедрой математики Американского университета в Центральной Азии (AUCA)


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April 16, 2022


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How to Cite

Kochergin, V.S., Kochergin, S.V., Sklyar, S.N., Testing of difference schemes in solving the equation for the Streem function based on solving the problem of wind currents. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2022, т. 19, № 2, pp. 53–61. DOI: 10.31429/vestnik-19-2-53-61

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