To the problem of seismicity state in the high geodynamic activity areas
For problem of the stress-strain state estimation in zones of plates drift by block element method, the knowledge of an fault structure, volume form of the lithosphere plate areas and directions of their movement is necessary. Plates drift estimation is possible now with use of GPS/GLONASS network. The time series analysis of Sochi GPS-station reference point displacement from January on 06.08.2012 in area of Sochi (М=4.3) is presented as an example. The type of site movement on the eve and to the moment of seismic event of 05.30.2012 was discussed.
block element method, GPS/GLONASS network, stress-strain state, lithosphere plate drift, GPS time seriesFunding information
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Copyright (c) 2012 Бабешко В.А., Шестопалов В.Л., Калинчук В.В., Шереметьев В.М.

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